Monday, August 22, 2011

Week 47


The countdown back to school has started already?!  Yikes.  Things go by sooooooo  dang fast.  Today may or may not be my 11 month mark.  Holy smokes.

The work is going really well.  We are teaching a guy from Iran, a family from New Zealand, and a woman from Alabama.  And they all speak English!  Heh heh.  Those are not our only investigators but they are some.  And it is soooo easy to teach in English.  xD  That's why they sent me to a Japanese mission haha.

I have not baptized anyone myself yet.  But since I've come on my mission there have been 3 people who have received baptism that I have taught.  2 of them I know I had a direct influence on.  It's so awesome to see people find the gospel and make choices that will bring them eternal happiness!

Interesting foods:  I eat raw egg all the time.  I have tried Goma dressing (sesame seed dressing).  Maguro (raw tuna on sushi). Ika (squid, raw on sushi). Natto (fermented soybeans).  And that's just a couple. xD  I do have bean paste with bread pretty frequently. It's really good.

I catch flies with choptsticks nowadays!  Well not really but a lot of times I actually prefer chopsticks to spoon, fork, and knife.  

My apartment is way cool.  It's 2 floors!  And the stairs are wicked steep.  And we're working on getting it clean.

Oh and before I go. I did have 1 well 2 requests actually.  The first one is could you find a picture of me from when I was in high school and had long hair?  And send it to me?  I would appreciate that.  And then I was wondering if you could express send me another packet of poutine sauce.  I was talking about it with one of our investigators and he really wants to try it.  And we've got 5 weeks left in the transfer and there's a good chance that I may not be here next time.  So if you could do that I would be most appreciative.  Thank you so much.  Love you and miss you guys!!

Elder Keith

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