Tuesday, May 24, 2011


 So Mom, to answer your questions,  do we have solid investigators right now?  Well that depends on your definition of solid.  We have Kazushi who is still reluctant to talk about baptism.  We have Mai, who wants to be baptized but her parents are against it right now.  Then we have someone named Ishii-san (san meaning Mr or Mrs) who will probably be baptized at the end of June gurai(around).  Am I doing as much member work as I would like?  Well I would like to work with them more but we have plans to do so, so I'm happy.   Yep still streeting and housing lots.  And yes it is rare for me to speak in English nowadays.  Well with my companion at least.  Doesn't mean I'm good at Japanese but, I do try xD. 
And Dad, I do not know if I am to be transferred yet or not.  We usually get transfer calls last Saturday but because all the missionaries are coming back and they transfer on a different day, we get calls tomorrow morning and then the actual transfer will be on Friday.  I'm pretty likely to transfer too.  This will be finishing my 3rd in Tama and with the sudden influx of missionaries...  Can't say.  Yes Sachiko means happy child.  The Kanji is 幸子 The first one meaning happiness and the second one meaning child.  That's right Thiago comes back soon.  Is there anyway for me to get his mailing address.  I really want to write him.  And for personal study (I actually start 45mins-1hr early because I like my scriptures xD) I read a chapter or 2 from the BOM and then a bunch of pages from the Bible (my goal is to finish it all by years end), I'm in Psalms right now.  Then after that I read from Jesus the Christ, and then either the conference edition of the Liahona, or my journal from the MTC.  It's way weird/cool to see how much I've changed even since the MTC.   
So last quick thing to share that will shock you.  I think that this past week is the first time in my entire life that I've enjoyed doing dishes.  I did them multiple times this week.  Elder Furugen always cooks and so I've taken it upon myself to do as much service for him as I can.  This didn't come unprompted though.  In Nagoya, in the 4 man, I was able to get out of doing the dishes at all (we had no gloves, and my eczema is very sensitive to soap) but that kinda put me into a sense of complacency.  Then one day something I did bothered Elder Furugen (with good reason) and he told me so.  So since then I have resolved to do as much service for him as possible and it's really gone a long way towards helping us grow stronger as a companionship.  I've decided that, that is going to be how I try and treat all my companions from here on out.  I mean I was nice to all my previous companions but Elder Furugen is the first one who I've wanted to go out of my way to serve.  But yeah this week I enjoyed doing the dishes and didn't need to be asked xD.  Well once you pick yourselves up off the floor just know that I love you and wish you well.  Til next week
Elder Keith
PS Dad do you speak Japanese better than me?  if i write in Kanji will you understand it.

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