Monday, June 11, 2012

Week 89

Hey Mom,
Almost 21...  yepp.  I'm getting old.  A teenager when I left huh?  gee...  yepper.  And now for the statement that will scare you so bad that your hair will turn salt and pepper colour (hee hee hee I'm so funny)
Others who are the same age as your son are now MARRIED!  AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Heh heh.  Weird. 
Thanks for passing along the birthday wish from Mary and tell her thank you for me.
Wow the Andersons are moving out too.  Hawkesbury just won't be the same will it.
So quick thing about BYU before I forget.  President Albrecht told me that it's a first come first serve basis, so like I know that the deadline is in October, but does it look like it will be done soon.
Sorry my thoughts are pretty scattered right now.  Just gotta get all the things I wanted to say out, then I'll get the other stuff.
Could I get you to send me a picture of the skydiving?  That would be awesome thanks.
Dad mentioned that you haven't sent the package yet.  That's totally cool and don't worry about sending me the Canada stuff just yet.  I don't want to have to carry it around if I transfer... ( I barely made it with my 2 suitcases last transfer).
Oh yeah, but would you mind sending me a stick of deoderant?  They don't have any here... it's a pain. 
And then this new apartment is way cool to live  in but in the 7 days I've been here we've seen and killed 6 roaches.  One every day since the first day.  And we have a different way of getting them here.  We use big elastics.  Did you know that if you hit a roach with a powerful enough shot that they will explode?  Like and I mean explode.  Pieces everywhere.  Way fun but way annoying too.  We think it's because the woman below us doesn't throw any trash in her house away.  But in any case, it gives us all a rush of adrenaline as we hurry to kill it.
The four man apartment is good.  It's way fun.  It's helping me to have fun again after having 4.5 months of not so fun.
Church for us, because we're in the other ward, starts at 1 in the afternoon.  It's weird.  My new companion has been out just over a year.  It's cool because he was actually a district leader in my zone the transfer before last, so I knew him well.  We're both Pokemon nerds so we get along great.  We actually went to a Pokemon specialty store today haha.  It was funny.
New investigators?  Not quite.  I'm still getting used to the area and stuff.  We found a couple of cool people with potential but no solids yet.
Spiritual experiences... well the stake has been fasting for us as missionaries recently.  And the things that we've been seeing from it.  Like we talked to this one guy from Costa Rica who said that he had no interest.  Then like 5 minutes later he came back and asked me our stance on gay marriage and I had the chance to testify about how God has ordained from the foundation of the world for marriage to be between a man and a woman.  It was the first time that I've ever testified about that here in Japan.  It was kinda cool actually.
So yeah thanks for everything.  Give everyone my love =D
Elder Keith

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