Monday, August 13, 2012

Week 98

The drought is over!!!  Yahooo.  xD  That makes me happy.  It's kinda funny because I didn't really know to what extent it had an effect on life or anything.
And yes your email finds me well.  I don't know about hail or hardy, but I can't complain about my health.  At the moment anyways.  Well I guess I do sweat like a beast, even just walking to the store 6 minutes away, my shirt becomes soaked and I become stinky!  xD
It's amazing the things that you can find out when you're on your mission.  Things that your mother would tan your hide for doing!  xD  Like mixing bleach with a whitener (I think it's a whitener anyways) to get out those tough stains (I'm pretty sure it says don't mix, but it works REALLY well!), and there's also doing your own dental work with a thumb tack (those hard to reach places are pretty hard to reach but it does get the job done), and then seeing how many days you last while all your socks are in the wash (I've been reusing for about 3 days now. Just haven't had time) and then the one that's exclusive to Japanese missions, Eating Eggs Raw!  I eat raw eggs about probably 4 out of the 7 days of the week.  At least.  And with the ok on eating raw eggs also comes the ok on eating raw cookie dough!!  Woohooo!!!

So this past week we had my last all-mission conference.  It was way awesome.  We received a bunch of good trainings.  But then at the end all of the missionaries who are returning in August or October got to get up and bear their final testimonies.  I managed to make mine all the way through without crying.  But at the end it was pretty hard, my voice was just a shaking and my eyes were glistening.  It's weird to think that my mission is coming to a close.  I don't feel near ready to be ending.  We were talking (the 4 of us in our apartment) about how weird we're going to be when we go back.  Bowing and using weird exclamations/verbal confirmations.  Gonna be weird I tell you.  Nor will I be able to speak adequate English.  Being around people who speak Japanese and English, I can throw a Japanese word in that is easier than the English one, or use a word in Japanese that doesn't really have an English translation.  *shudder*  Yepp I'm gonna be weird.
This past transfer, we've been giving out Book of Mormons like mad!  Like we probably had 20 or so when we started the transfer and now we're down to 4! 
Yeah, we didn't have anything super duper awesome happen this week unfortunately.  xD  But there's just some days that you get like that huh?  Oh well. 
 Elder Keith

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