But yeah not, just a little ;)
So with the bank... yeah not quite sorted out yet. Soon though. We've
been in touch with the Honbu and we're in the process of getting things
straightened out. Haven't quite been able to call yet because we don't know the
number for the operator here in Japan. (-_-;) The honbu had a couple of
suggestions but all them didn't work. So we're probably gonna go there tomorrow
or something and see what can be done. Yeah haven't quite taken anything out
So about my new companion. His name in Morgen Pronk. He's from Calgary.
He's got a family of 7, he's the middle child. He's currently 19. Turned so on
April 1st. Before his mission he was way into snowboarding and longboarding.
AND he did parkour (free running). He pretty much has no fear when it comes to
stuff like that. Like standing backflip, corkscrew, then he jumped on the stage
and did a backflip with a full twist off of it. Then we were in a park and he
climbed up a shade tree they had (like 10 feet) and then proceeded to do a backflip
off of it. It was so cool to watch. However he's still very green.
Still just kinda picking up on everything that it means to be a missionary and
stuff like that. He's got a way awesome desire, to learn the language and be a
great missionary but yeah. Is this what it's like to be a parent? xD The
thing with me is I have a hard time having the 'hard talks' or telling someone
they're doing something wrong. Soo.... yeah. But I love him. Way nice guy,
way fun to be around. I've been with him just a little under a week so I don't
really know too much more about him at this point.
Does it remind me of when I was brand new? Absolutely.
So about extending. I'll probably have to get back to you on that.
Probably later on today. I have prayed about it but I'm not quite sure yet. On
the one hand I really really want to because I know that this opportunity
probably will not happen again. At least for another 40 or so years. And even
then It'll be a couples mission... xD. I really really want to extend. But
then there's some days when I feel that by the time the time comes, I'll be
I'll think about it and pray about it some more today and write you again
tonight to see if anything has changed. But in between now and then I want to
ask, how is grandma doing? If I were to extend, I would be getting home in
like november. probably near the 13 is when I would end, then the post-mission
tour would put us home probably around 20th or so...
Yeah I just don't know. I feel pretty strongly about both options...
I know you don't want to influence me, and ultimately it will be my
decision, but what do you think?
Your advice would help greatly.
So yeah besides that, there's not too much happening in Inage. Life goes
on good =D
Thanks so much for your letters and support. Love you!!
Elder Keith
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