So this week was rather interesting. So the biggest thing was probably the earthquake that I'm sure that everyone has heard about by now. It was pretty intense. And I guess as a safety precaution, the gas got shut off to our apartment. And so because we have a gas stove, it not only meant that we had no hot water but also that we couldn't cook anything which is major mendokusai! So then yesterday we were asked not to leave our apartments because there was a risk of a chemical spill at one of the nuclear reactors and they were concerned that the wind and rain would become a health risk. But then halfway through the day we were told it was ok and that there was no health risk. So that was the biggest thing.
The next thing that happened this week was also a less than pleasurable experience. We knocked on this one guy's door and he opened the door. (which is unusual because usually they just talk through the airphone, or kekko box as we missionaries call them) So it's my door and he opens up. I said who I was where I was from and what we do. Then the guy actually got really angry and because I don't understand Japanese perfectly I didn't catch everything that he said but I did hear the tone in his voice. He was furious. And he began talking down to us, which in Japanese culture is very rude. The word 'anata' meaning 'you' is rarely used in conversation. Especially with strangers. He used it multiple times. He basically said, "You want to help? Yeah? Why don't you pray?! and I caught the word 'taihen' meaning serious/terribly etc but it's also used to mean 'not good/bad/grave' So then he closed the door in our faces without saying anything to make it polite. It was kinda shocking to be greeted with such vehement anger right off the bat. Hopefully that doesn't happen too often.
So to make sure that this week isn't only blue news I thought I'd throw in this last little bit. You know that you're in Japan when you lose 2/2 games of ping pong with a 10 year old girl. ... I'd like to say it never happened... but... I was warming up. And her dad is the best in the ward... yeah *sheepish grin*...
I hope you all are well. I thank you for all your thoughts and prayers. 私は神様の宣教師です!だからがんばります。愛しています。
Elder Keith
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